The guide below is a recommended team exercise for co-writing a Land Acknowledgement during a 1 hour meeting (plus prep beforehand) 

This guide was built using the resources cited in the guide, but each tribe is unique in their feelings regarding land acknowledgements, the best plan of action is to discuss this with tribes in your area as you are doing the research to build an acknowledgement.  You may wish to contact a tribal member in your area to see if they’d like to be included, remember that this isn’t their work, consider paying them for their time and expertise. At the very least, do this over lunch, or in some other way respect their contribution.  If the tribes in your area prefer that you do not do a land acknowledgement, they may have alternative options, or you might consider a moment of silence, a mindfulness moment, or an acknowledgement of forced labor in your area. 

We have a few other resources for tribal involvement on this page and hope to continue adding to this conversation! 

This document is also available as a word document, so that you are able to edit and make this more relevant to your courts.