Manage your environment by adding comforting and personal touches to your office.

Arrange tea time breaks for your office (we recommend London Fog).

Show gratitude to at least one co-worker a week in a special way (e.g., write them a note or leave them a treat).

Use work breaks to get moving by taking a walk with a colleague.

Coordinate a consistent lunch date (monthly or weekly) with a colleague.

Set goals for drinking water and tell a colleague who will help you stick to them.

Encourage teams to have at least one meeting each week where attendees stand or walk instead of sit.

Focus on maintaining good posture throughout the day to help your body and brain feel well.

Have objects available that are calming for each of the five senses.


Invite a panel of judicial officers to speak about their well-being practices and challenges.

Plan a technology blackout day: no emailing, texting, or calling colleagues outside work hours.

Host a lunch for those who are going through similar work-life challenges.

Take a funny team photo to have on your desk when you need a laugh.

Host a potluck lunch that allows colleagues to share their healthy recipes.

Hold a prize drawing for well-being items such as FitBits, journals, and healthy cookbooks.


Start an office library that includes books staff have enjoyed and books on well-being.

Make well-being toolkits with a notebook for journaling, maps to green spaces for walking, and tea for relaxing.

Maintain a good news board at the office for colleagues to share positive messages and updates.